This project is something I put together over a week last May when I didn’t have a laptop and needed something to do. When looking for options, I stumbled on a folder (on a OLD laptop) of beats I made in the 90s for other MCs who never laid vocals to them. I was originally going to do an instrumental release of those beats, but since I needed something to do, I decided to time travel back to that time and write a full mixtape capturing and celebrating that time.
The RAGE CAGE was my home studio circa 1986-1995, and this is mixtape showcasing the sound of that era. In short, it’s a bunch of battle rhymes, along with some abstraction, a few personal reflections, a teasing of some Vocal Violence (what I called my primary style back then), an Electro Vocoder Jam, a Hip House track, and lots of celebration and shout outs of people, places and things I remember about the Lake County Hip Hop scene circa 1986-1995.
For many, many years I have wanted to do either a documentary or write a book to document the Lake County scene (1986-1995) but have hit so many walls getting people to participate or tell me their stories, or get me the other tools I need to make it possible. I’m hoping this will encourage people to get on board…
Beat-Jacked, Re-Produced, Written & Performed by AMC
Scratches by DJ Nikoless Skratch
Track 1 Un-Produced & Co-Produced by Black Man Zeke
Track 10 Co-Produced by The Great JD
Track 11 Co-Produced by D.B.I
Track 12 Produced, Mixed & Mastered by Taigo Onez (2025)
Tracks 1-11 Mixed & Mastered by Lake at Pro Studio
Recorded In The Rage Cage(s)
The Rage Cage logo by Ekwa